yoga world record categories

Yoga World Record Categories

Welcome to the Yoga Book of Records: Celebrate Yoga Achievements Worldwide!

Yoga is more than just a practice—it’s a journey of discipline, mindfulness, and physical accomplishment. At the Yoga Book of Records, we honor those who have taken their practice to the next level. Explore our yoga world record categories below and discover the incredible feats that make yoga practitioners from all around the world stand out.

yoga book of record

Yoga World Record Categories

Let us understand with example:

  1. Longest Yoga Marathon (Individual)

Celebrate endurance and dedication with the longest continuous yoga sessions by individuals pushing their limits.

  1. Longest Yoga Marathon (Group)

Team up with fellow yogis for the ultimate group challenge—continuous practice over extended hours.

  1. Most Advanced Yoga Pose Held

Showcase the mastery of body and mind by holding challenging yoga postures for extended durations.

  1. Largest Yoga Class

From festivals to community events, help us set the record for the biggest gathering of yoga enthusiasts practicing together in harmony.

  1. Most People Performing Yoga Online Simultaneously

Bringing yogis together, virtually! Set the standard for global participation in an online yoga event.

  1. Most Yoga Asanas Performed in One Hour

Test flexibility, strength, and speed by performing the maximum number of unique asanas within a one-hour timeframe.

  1. Fastest 108 Sun Salutations

Complete 108 Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) faster than anyone else. It’s a blend of agility, strength, and devotion.

  1. Longest Time in Sirsasana (Headstand)

Balance, strength, and concentration come together for the longest-held headstand (Sirsasana).

  1. Oldest Yoga Practitioner

Inspire the world by showing age is just a number when it comes to maintaining a yoga practice.

  1. Youngest Certified Yoga Teacher

Are you the youngest to share the gift of yoga? Earn recognition as a certified teacher under our youngest instructor category.

  1. Most Continuous Days of Yoga Practice

Show your commitment by setting the record for the longest streak of consecutive days of yoga practice.

  1. Largest AcroYoga Class

Combine yoga and acrobatics in a large-scale event that shows the beauty of teamwork and strength in AcroYoga.

  1. Longest Yoga Relay

Join forces with fellow yogis for the longest continuous relay of yoga, passing the torch to keep the practice going.

  1. Most Yoga Workshops Held by a Single Instructor

Are you a dedicated teacher? Showcase your passion for spreading knowledge by setting the record for most workshops conducted.

  1. Fastest 108 Pranayama Cycles

Achieve the fastest completion of 108 cycles of a specific pranayama technique, focusing on breath and energy control.

  1. Yoga for Social Impact

Organize yoga events with a cause! Set a record for the largest yoga event aimed at raising awareness or funds for social causes.

  1. Most Nationalities in a Single Yoga Class

Celebrate diversity in yoga by setting the record for a class with the highest number of nationalities practicing together.

How to Apply for a Record

Think you can set a new record? Whether you’re an individual or a group, we want to hear from you! Follow these steps to apply:

  1. Choose Your Category – Select one of the categories above or propose a new one.
  2. Submit Your Application – Fill out the application form to get started.
  3. Prepare for Verification – We’ll guide you through the process to ensure your attempt meets our standards.
  4. Set the Record – Go for it! Set your record and get featured in the Yoga Book of Records.

Why Set a Yoga Record?

Inspire Others: Your achievement can motivate countless yogis to reach new heights in their own practice.

Promote Yoga: Show the world the transformative power of yoga through your record-breaking performance.

Be a Part of History: Get recognized in the Yoga Book of Records and earn a spot in the global yoga community.

yoga world record

Contact Us

Have questions or want more information on how to set a record? Reach out to us at [contact info], and we’ll be happy to help you on your journey to becoming a yoga record holder.


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