Our Aim, Vision & Mission

Yoga Book of Records is the single record book in the world, which is dedicated only to yoga and only recognized the world records of yoga.

➢ As it is the first record book in the world which only hold records related to yoga and is operated from Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. Therefore, being a yoga practitioner and an Indian you should feel proud. Because it is the heritage of our ancestors, which is our ultimate responsibility to preserve and promote it. This should have happened in the past, but perhaps our idolatrous yoga scholars did not get attention towards this, well now it is our responsibility, but we are still stuck with mental slavery. Only the people of India can make India superior and no one else, we should consider this and it should be reflected by our conduct and not by words.

➢ The yoga book of records was found by our ancient Indian yogis, sages, mystics who had experiences and thoughts in the context of yoga / yogasana with an aim of presenting them to the world yoga society with modernity and charm in the current perspective.   

➢ Since many types of yoga are prevalent in the present times, as it was in the past, we do not have negative views about any yoga method. But the way in which the mischief has increased towards the yogasanas contained in yoga is sad. All our great yogis associated with any yoga system were unanimous in the context of posture, sthiram sukham asanam and asanasiddhi. This institution has been born to establish the concept of sthiram sukham asanam and asanasiddhi and for this we are fully committed. 

➢ The yoga book of records works legally as other record books. 

➢ We work for the best talented yoga practitioners who are hidden in the yoga society with full statutory and fairness. So that other people of yoga society can be inspired and yoga practitioners can get proper respect and dignity through this. 

➢ Any yoga practitioners in the yoga book of records can directly contact us, can directly claim his record. No middlemen are required for this.

➢ You can claim your record in any record book. If you feel that you should claim in the yoga book of records, then you are heartily welcome.

One posture can change your life…

Yoga Book of Records wants ancient yoga to reach people in its purest form – not in the form you see on TV or read in books. Even the new experiments that are happening with yoga, which are being done all over the world without understanding the basic principles of yoga… In the Yogasutra, Patanjali says: Sthiram Sukham Asanam. Whatever is very comfortable and stable is your posture. what does this mean? “It simply means that your body is in a state of rest, your mind is resting and your energy is fully vibrant and in balance.” Then you are naturally meditated. “The asana is the first step to get naturally engrossed in meditation. In a way, asana is an active way of getting absorbed in meditation. It is very important to understand that postures are not a workout.Yogis have always understood and believed that there is a complete system of memory within our physical body. How this universe evolved from zero to present day – it is all written in this body. When we do postures, we open that box of memory and try to do.
Only A Yogasana (Single Yoga Posture)

Generally, Hatha Yoga involves the practice of many such asanas that collectively bring us many benefits. This does not mean that just one posture has less importance. Many yogis specialize in only one asana. This is called ‘Asan Siddhi’. In this process occurring slowly, the body reaches a state of complete rest.The text says that the matching of the geometry of this body with the geometry of the universe is posture accomplishment. If this mail is received correctly then you can download the whole universe.This is the sum. If you just sit upright, then whatever is worth knowing you can get from your inner self. Yoga Book of Records is a platform for the people to showcase their unique Yoga talent and inspire the world to go one step further. YBR Records collates and publishes notable records of all types, from first and best achievements. Yoga Book of Records oriented and organized by a highly motivated team of Yoga professionals, who are striving to create unparalleled event experiences. Its creativity, conceptualizing and promoting companies to develop their identity in a most appropriate manner to attain their goals.

We believe it’s important to know who you are and what you stand for…

We inspire – Yoga sadhak, yoga students, yoga teachers, yoga centers, yoga institutes, yoga schools, yoga organizations, yoga communities, yoga groups, yoga universities – of any age, city, or country by making records in Yoga Book of Records and breaking attempts. We don’t define or recognize success in a conventional or limited way and so we draw upon the entire range of superlatives to help people realize their yoga potential and to re-examine the world. We want to give them “THE HIGHEST GLORLY. This means we research, measure, document and authorize the world of superlatives, from which we create world-class records that entertain, inform, and inspire people through our unique window on the world. Our records making decisions are not prejudiced, we believe that everyone, everywhere can create or break a record.
yogguru rakesh bhardwaj director of yoga book of records

Yog Guru Rakesh Bhardwaj

Founder & Director of Yoga Book of Records.

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